Feb. 1, 2014 Southeastern Mass. Land Trust Convocation


Please click on the presenters below for each presentation PDF.

Session One (9:15 am – 10:15 am)

WORKSHOP A: Stewardship Principles
Let’s get back to basics. Whether or not accreditation is in your past, present or future, it is critical to have a solid understanding, on paper and in the field, of your properties and CRs. This workshop will help you get your house in order to monitor your holdings!

James MacDougall, PWS, Biodiversity Consulting LLC; former Land Manager, Essex County Greenbelt Association

Christin Marshall, Program Coordinator, AmeriCorps Cape Cod

WORKSHOP B: Capital Campaigns
Thinking about fundraising around a project that threatens to stretch your organization’s capacity to the limit? Come listen to two professionals who have been there talk about the challenges and opportunities for success. Where there’s a will there’s a way!

Mark Rasmussen, President, Buzzards Bay Coalition

Julie Towne, Director of Development, MassAudubon Wellfleet Bay & Long Pasture

PLENARY SESSION (10:30 – 10:50 am):
The NEFF Decision: What it means for your land trust

Ed Becker, Executive Director, Essex County Greenbelt Association
Mark Robinson, Executive Director, The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts

Session Two (11:00 am – noon)

WORKSHOP A: Communicating with your Members
Newsletters, mailings, emails, websites, and social media all play an important role in getting the word out to your members. Learn new ideas on creating messages, setting goals, reaching out to your audience, and publishing effective newsletters. Sample publications will be available. Bring yours, too!

Alicia Pimental, Communications & Outreach Manager, Buzzards Bay Coalition

Kevin York, Vice-President, On-Cape Lithographers

WORKSHOP B: Deal Negotiations
You’ve identified that important piece of land to preserve. Good for you! Now what do you do? Learn from two of the best in the land conservation field about what you can do to seal the deal.

Ed Becker, Executive Director, Essex County Greenbelt Association
Mark Robinson, Executive Director, The Compact of Cape Cod Conservation Trusts
